Did Richard Goldstone Hide More Sinister Crimes in Gaza? Par
http://www.paltelegraph.com/diaries/fea ... ect-reportGaza, October 31, 2009, (Pal Telegraph) - Although we have seen some shortfalls in Goldstone's report we can now see the true face of some members of the US Congress as they again start to use their "Iron Fist" methods to stop this report moving forward.
It is evident that ever since this report was first tabled the powers that be have used almost every excuse to bin it. We were first led to believe that to delay it could help in a Middle East peace deal (wishful thinking). With the help of Obama, Clinton and Abbas, the three musketeers managed to convince Geneva to delay this process until next year.
http://thisiszionism.blogspot.com/2009/ ... re_30.htmlPart 1: White Phosphorus and Flechettes
There was much praise for the UN investigations into war crimes committed in Gaza, led by Richard Goldstone. However, I feel that this report did not go far enough to investigate some other more serious allegations that were made.
There is a sense of urgency to bring this investigation forward and to put those responsible on trial but one must understand that something much more sinister did not even get a mention and has since been swept under the carpet.