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 Request for Warrant and Arrest of Karl Rove 

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 Request for Warrant and Arrest of Karl Rove 
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Post Request for Warrant and Arrest of Karl Rove
Request for Warrant and Arrest of Karl Rove

As citizens of the United States, we request issuance of a warrant for the arrest of Karl Rove, followed by his arrest when appearing in Portland, Oregon in February 2010, charging the crimes listed below against the people of the United States including citizens of Portland and the state of Oregon.

Jurisdiction for arrest and prosecution of former federal officials and those working under direction of such officials by local law enforcement authorities has been determined by former Los Angeles County Deputy District Attorney Vincent Bugliosi in his book, The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder. In Bugliosi’s analysis, jurisdiction is established by harm caused to residents of the local area.

Since Rove was not a formal officer of government and these acts were committed for political purposes, any defense claim that he was acting within his scope of authority is likely to be ruled invalid.

We believe that the calculated planning and careful concealment of these acts will satisfy the legal requirement to establish a criminal state of mind or "malice aforethought" necessary for successful criminal prosecution.

Charge #1: Obstruction of justice and conspiracy to commit treason leading to the deaths of Oregonians

(1) Rove was an active participant in disclosing the identity of a covert CIA agent in violation of the Intelligence Identities Protection Act of 1982, an act of treason damaging national security by compromising the lives, safety, and operational capacity of covert agents, and thereby damaging ability to recruit human intelligence assets necessary to prevent terrorism. All U.S. citizens, including Oregonians, were endangered by these acts.

This disclosure was committed to discredit testimony by Plame’s husband, Joe Wilson, who revealed the Bush administration deception regarding supposed “yellow cake” purchases from Niger by Saddam to support the invasion of Iraq. The war, partially justified by this deception, resulted in the deaths of Oregonians.

(2) Rove provided false testimony and withheld information about this crime in interviews with federal investigators, thereby further compromising abilities of our government to identify and correct the security vulnerabilities he created that endangered all U.S. citizens.

Evidence emerged from the Fitzgerald investigation identifying four White House leak sources to five journalists, including leaks from Rove. Evidence that Rove, Bush and Cheney obstructed justice by withholding information from federal investigators also emerged, and it has been reported by investigative journalist Wayne Madsen that the Grand Jury issued a True Bill (indictment) against Rove – although not sought by Fitzgerald (in what is called a "runaway Grand Jury") – and that this indictment remains sealed.

Despite the deal made between Fitzgerald and Rove’s attorney, Robert Luskin, the American people and citizens of Oregon deserve an honest effort at justice. This criminal case should be re-opened and its sealed indictment examined in a court outside Washington DC. The citizens of Oregon who have died, been widowed or orphaned by possible initiation and prolongation of a disastrous and illegal war as a consequence of this perjury deserve justice.

Charge #2: Subversion of our democratic institutions of government by conspiring to commit election fraud, depriving Oregon citizens of their franchise rights as U.S. citizens to a free and fair election

Rove engaged in election fraud to illegally influence the 2004 presidential election.

(1) Rove was identified as the principal perpetrator in an Ohio election fraud lawsuit. The Ohio Corrupt Practices Act/RICO claim alleged that Ohio voting results in 2004 were electronically routed on election night through SmartTech servers in Chattanooga, Tennessee associated with Rove’s principal IT consultant, Mike Connell, before being rerouted back in altered form to Ohio's then-Secretary of State J. Kenneth Blackwell. Connell's other company, GovTech, had been hired by the State of Ohio to build election night servers and GovTech subcontracted work to SmartTech.

Rove was subsequently accused of threatening Connell and his wife if he did not "take the fall for election fraud in Ohio" according to a letter sent to Attorney General Michael Mukasey by Ohio election attorney Cliff Arnebeck requesting that Connell be provided federal witness protection (

Shortly after being deposed by the court, where Connell’s family believed he would testify truthfully, Connell was killed in a suspicious crash of his private aircraft. The Connell family received an anonymous memo from someone identifying himself as "Mark Felt" (the man ultimately revealed to be "Deep Throat"), cataloguing an order and mission to remotely intercept and rig the instrument panel of Connell's plane and then "sanitize" the area. ( ... 4-news.php)

While this possible murder occurred in a different jurisdiction, the consequences of the Ohio election fraud behind it affected all Americans through the illegitimate election of a president bringing ruinous consequences to the U.S. economy and other national interests affecting the citizens of Oregon.

(2) Rove was accused by attorney and broadcaster Robert F. Kennedy Jr. of conspiring with Tim Griffin and other Republican campaign operatives to employ an illegal “caging” operation to disenfranchise Black Democratic voters by in the election of 2004 in Ohio, Florida and other key “swing” states ( This charge was based upon several hundred intercepted emails provided to Congressman John Conyers by investigative journalist Greg Palast, emails supposedly “lost” by Rove’s office in response to a Congressional subpoena ( Racially targeted or fraudulent challenging of voter registrations through such methods as caging is a felony under the 1965 Voting Rights Act.

Subversion of our democratic institutions of government by conspiring to commit election fraud, including both electronic manipulation of vote counts incapable of audit and “caging” to disenfranchise racially targeted Democratic voters are crimes against the United States government and all its citizens, for which Rove must be indicted and prosecuted within any United States jurisdiction.
Signed on this day, the ____ of February, 2010: [individual and organizational endorsement requested]

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Wed Feb 03, 2010 8:47 pm
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Post Re: Request for Warrant and Arrest of Karl Rove
I vote yes

(cannot find any yes / no box)

Thu Feb 04, 2010 11:14 am
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