Bruce Gagnon at Hood River, Oregon Nov. 13, 2009
I'm eagerly looking forward to seeing Bruce Gagnon speak in Hood River on November 13. Depending on the number of people interested in going, we'll either take our Squadron13 bus or carpool up, or both! Please contact me if you are interested in joining our party which will leave Eugene NLT 2pm, pass through Corvallis, Portland, Vancouver to pick up any interested parties before reaching Hood River which is about an hour East of Portland. We'll return late that night.
Bruce will be speaking about one of Oregon's contributions to the death industry, the manufacture of remote controled drones.
Email or call me ASAP if you are interested in joining us. If you can join us this time but want to support anyway, contributions towards our fuel expenses are welcome, send to Gordon Sturrock, 310 Garfield #24, Eugene, OR 97402
More information on Drones here: