Gordon Sturrock
U.S. Army Veteran
Joined: Tue Oct 20, 2009 2:17 pm Posts: 87 Location: Eugene, Oregon
 Why Veterans For Justice?
Veterans For Justice is a new organization, based on what appears to be a desperate need for an infusion of truth and justice into the peace movement. In the past, this has been tried, but each effort failed for people reasons, not technical reasons. Now things are different. Everybody is sensing that the peace movement has failed in some way and is wondering why, what did we do wrong? Desperation is high. Is there a better way? YES YES YES THERE IS! I'm absolutely certain that this new method will be more productive at getting a message out. I wont bother to explain why this new method is superior to what has been the standard of the peace movement, elists. Seems that very few people understand the enormous(!!!!!!!!!) technical advantages offered by using forums like this. Think of this as a PLACE, right now like an empty building waiting for all of us to 'move in'. I've put in the basics of what I think we'll need, but many more additions and modifications will be needed. This will always be a work in progress. It will always get better, and better, and busier, and more noticed, and more used. But we have to MAKE it happen. There is nothing stopping us but us. The first thing I'm asking you to do is get "registered". Click on the "Register" button above and follow the instructions. USE YOUR REAL NAME. No nicknames, anonymous, or unknown posters will be allowed, unless you're already a legend, in which case you may use a nickname. After you have registered, you will have to wait for me to assign you permissions before you are able to post anything (this keeps the spammers out). But after you register and LOG IN you can edit your personal profile right away by clicking on "Control Panel". You'll be amazed, and probably a bit overwhelmed too, by the features you can control. Check it out and please consider giving this a try. I won't promise this will end our troubles, but I will promise that if a determined effort is made by enough high quality activists, this will get past a critical mass and become a powerful force for truth and justice.
_________________ we have a NEW forum, if you're already a member of this group, feel free to join up at this link... http://doomerparty.org/index.php