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 Where the Hell is everyone?? 
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U.S. Navy Veteran

Joined: Tue Oct 20, 2009 10:16 am
Posts: 14
Location: Portland
Post Where the Hell is everyone??
We have been at the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in Portland, Oregon for about 6 months, where are all the progressives? Judge **jay bybee should be dragged before a federal judge for Treason, War Crimes, violation of US Code Title 18 sect. 2340 and 2340A, The Geneva Convention, the International Agreement Against Torture, The Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948---I could go on, there are more.

Where the hell are all the cops, this is a serious killer, people were murdered because of what this defective human being decided to justify. We will stay in front of the court, not because it is a fun thing to do, because someone must stand witness to all crimes against humanity.

We stand with very few, why is that?

Are all the rest of the people in Portland who know about this war criminal just "Good Citizens" of the state? Many of our generals in WW2 could not understand how people in Germany, Poland, and other countries could go about their everyday business when people were being murdered by the Nazis just around the corner. Well folks, just look into your mirror, the answer is there, you are just too busy to get involved and you are killing our republic. I call you all cowards who watch others stand in the cold and rain, I call you non-citizens for your isolation, on your stupid cell phones, your MP3 with music playing as people die around you. God has not blessed America; she has looked and just cried at our failure to love one another.

Refuse to Capitalize due to disrespect and/or disgust

Joe Walsh-Lone Vet
Individuals for Justice
Veterans for Justice
Veterans Against Torture

Wed Jan 20, 2010 7:36 pm
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