We are still holding our vigil/protest at the US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.
High noon---1400
700 SW 6th Ave.
Portland, Oregon
I have not received any more e-mails from the chief justice and after my last note to him would be surprised if he ever writes to me again.
My understanding is that Rick, the doc arrested a few weeks ago will settle out of court and not fight his arrest; we hope that goes well for him.
We only had four souls there last week. We are in desperate need of new jokes and bodies would be good. The marshals did seem more relaxed so maybe it was a good idea for me to have entered the camp of the torture judge and visit with the Chief Justice a bit.
Last Sunday night the Mad as Hell docs held a presentation and I spent an hour there to support them and see how they were doing, seems they are going to keep the fight going and advance Single Payer as much as possible this time around. The future looks like they will continue to keep the pressure on our pretenders in DC. I was listening to Keith Olbermann the other day and he was angry with Sen. Landau not showing up at one of his medical clinics. They treated over a thousand people from New Orleans and she was too busy to show up and help. I was disgusted with this would be democrat until I thought of all the times our delegation are also AWOL. There was no representative, politician or major activist at the Mad as Hell doc’s event Sunday night. Maybe I missed it; I did not see blumenauer, DeFazio, wu, Sam Adams, Merkley, or wyden there. Maybe they had reps there, I can remember going to these types of events when I was an intern for an Assemblyman in California, a lifetime ago. Where and why do we not have our elected representatives supporting something as noble as healthcare for all--everybody in. Where the hell were they? Oh well, back to the streets!
The healthcare bill that crawled out of the house of pretenders was; is a disgrace. The liberal groups are hailing it as a wonder to end all wonders, again bullshit. It is so bad that Sen. Sanders is saying he may filibuster it himself, if the “Stupid-pac” amendment is not taken out. The republicans are just insane, corrupted to a degree that the entire leadership must be arrested for corruption.
So, keep the pressure on for accountability and trying to get a Healthcare system that will help and not hurt the little guy, it is time.
I did go to Community Court to stand with two of the people who were arrested for the healthcare action here in Portland a month or so ago. They had asked for and received a delay in pleading; I thought they would be pleading on Monday but it was scheduled for Wednesday, so Peter and I had coffee and talked about the mess we are in and how to get out. I cannot make Wednesday but kept my promise that I would be there to support them.
There are two interesting things going on with the insanity of Iraq. The Britts are just gearing up to hold investigations on what the hell happened and why they were involved in the war and occupation, Blair will be called to testify/account. The other is that the Italians have held trials on 23 Americans, (CIA) for their part in rendition. They were found guilty in absentia. If they travel to Europe they could be arrested and sent to prison for 8-10 years. Good article in the NY Times:
http://www.nytimes.com There are things happening, people still going to jail, we are standing, protesting, and pushing congress, come and help us bring trials to America.
I do go on sometimes!
“That’s All Folks”